BF Group was created in 1989, with a core business of direct sales and outsourcing of sales force services in areas such as telecommunications, energy, security and financial services, and has been responsible since the beginning of the current century for the acquisition of more than 4 million clients for its business partners.
We search every day for the moments that will decide where we will be in the future.
We are a results-oriented organization: We define goals and work tirelessly to meet them.
We never start anything to do more of the same, but instead to do things different and better.
The wealth generated through our work has given us the responsibility of solidarity, because suc-cess doesn’t exist without sustainable activity.
Our success lies in the confidence we have earned from collaborators, clients, and partners.
We have companies and brands in a wide variety of sectors.
Iberian leader in Face to Face sales force services.
Property development in the Iberian and North American markets
Private transportation from Lisbon to any destination in Portugal.